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Re: Product for Kidneys, Liver?--- N/M
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Re: Product for Kidneys, Liver?--- N/M

Dr. Sutter of Ask Dr. Sutter forum always stressed the importance of the Liver Flush while kidney cleansing was never even contemplated in his protocols. And to think, I and others would certainly be better off kidney-wise today had we followed his simpler protocol. Veteran flusher Jessesmom87 once questioned him about kidney cleanses as she highly valued his opinion. His advice: focus on one thing at a time. If you're doing Liver Flushes see that through before embarking on anything else. It may be quite misleading to recommend kidney cleanses to all liver flushers because it's so easy to hurt the kidneys and also because it's a proven notion at this time that the stones released from the liver into the bowel don't cause the toxemia many people fear, actually they are able to live for days with that stuff in the gut without becoming toxic or even feel the slightest discomfort, much less will they overburden the kidneys. Regular fermentation of food in the gut -a way more common and yet quite harmless occurrence- is a much worse situation than a few slippery stones from the liver which will simply dissolve into water within a few days. Dr. Sutter repeated over and over on his forum that the Liver Flush doesn't clog your kidneys but that it actually helps them to work better. And this is exactly what others reported experiencing. But the ongoing panic scare and myth is that they will so poison your kidneys that if you dare to go three flushes without a kidney "cleanse" you risk suffocating in your own filth. Experienced flushers like Telman never really bothered with a kidney cleanse, neither did those merely wishing to avoid gallbladder surgery who only had a few Liver Flushes in mind. But look at what they accomplished with their simpler, "one-sided" approach: they managed to improve their liver function *without disturbing the kidneys*, which you'd think would be the ideal scenario towards optimal health. Conversely, you'll read quite a few posts from people who attempted the kidney cleanses and later kept coming back with ongoing complaints. Now they're doing Liver Flushes and their kidneys are being upset to various degrees by the Epsom Salts . So who was smarter ? Whose crowd would you say you'd be safer to join : Dr. Sutter's or Andreas "complete package" Moritz' ? Isn't it obvious that all these now damaged people shouldn' t have ever attempted these cleanses in the first place? I'd say that "The Kidney cleanse" only became widely accepted because of the slick self-promotion of certain authors well-known for boasting that their books offer "complete packages" to total health, an impossibly narrow and rather solipsistic notion. Oh, and they happen to be the ones selling you the kidney teas, go figure.


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