I have a theory and please tell me what you guys think about this. Most people think that candida should be gotten rid of within 3 months. Remember each month has a different "phase". Month 1, you are supposed to completely eliminate sugars and carbs. Month 2 is when you add antifungals and ADD, yes ADD back some of the foods you have taken out your diet, like green apples, low carb foods like beans, etc. Month 3 is when you add probiotics. There are 3 phases. My question is this, it seems that everyone on these forums as well myself are always stuck on Month 1's phase. What I mean is that every single one of us is still restricting ourselves to completely kill off the candida. What I think may happen is that we lower our carb intake so much that the candida may actually dig so deep into the intestinal wall that the antifungals cannot even reach it! What if this whole time we just need to add some carbs into our diet, but a minimum amount so that our body has something to work with. I mean I was reading some earlier posts and somebody mentioned that even Dr. Atkins said that many body processes cannot continue if there are no carbs available for energy consumption in the body. Could we be messing up on the most simple component of the diet plan and exaggerating on the first step to rid ourselves of candida! What do you guys think? Maybe low carb diets are inducing candida symptoms even further and what we think is die off is really just toxic by products of the candida being so deep in the intestinal wall! I mean it would explain why lots of people get leaky gut AFTER they start the candida diet.