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Re: 2 numbers posting in the debate forums, with no posting history.
spudlydoo Views: 2,032
Published: 15 y
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Re: 2 numbers posting in the debate forums, with no posting history.

Wombat, I know about the privacy manager, but this merely changes your posts to either a user number or the other options you pointed out. This does not erase your posting history, because when you click on the number or hidden username or whatever, you still get a posting history.

These numbers are posting and it is not recorded in the posting history.

I have asked for an explanation and my posts keep getting deleted.

No conspiracy? Then what?

It is censorship and deception. Particularly as I suspect it is a moderator that is doing this. I may be wrong, but it is getting more suspicious by the minute. If this is not the case then why not just answer the questions, instead of deleting the posts.



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