Re: Colon Cleansing before the long Water Fast.
If you want to cleanse your colon just before Fasting, it would help your system to clean faster and better, if that is what you want. Not a real need to do that, because the body will clean your colon any way in an extended fast. BUT, and this is a big BUT, your healing crisis would be less and more bearable. This is, of course, relative to your level of Toxemia.
Would a cleanse help you minimize or not your crisis; only you can tell. It can give you a psychological benefit to do a
Colon Cleanse before, anyway.
I did Oxypower before my first Fast. And as you say, the diet after fasting, that will eventually be the diet before the next fasting...all those periods are important.
It is a matter of choice. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable. Chrisb never gave it much importance because, as you may understand, regular
Water Fasting keeps the entire system relatively non toxic.