Re: uotpia silver and mesosilver didn't work
Hi I had the herpes cold sore virus for almost 36 years. The virus would become active every three weeks or so. I found my body would sweat a lot at night in attempts to fight the virus. Finally, after years of trying out creams, lotions, herbs and doctors prescriptions...I ran into a woman five months ago at the local farm market. We started up a conversation and voila' she recommended the
'new silver solutions' product. I took a tablespoon twice a day until the 16
oz bottle was gone. I have never had a herpes cold sore virus outbreak since. Thank God.
However, I eat well. Water is my preferred liquid. I prefer organic and locally farmed foods over shipped in stuff. I avoid all deep fried foods, hydrogenated oils (this makes the oil like a plastic), processed and packaged foods. I attempt to eat like our ancestors did, not the way the 'food industry' would have us eat.
It is important to think 'kind' and 'nurturing' thoughts about the food we eat, the people we meet, and the moment we are living. Every cell in our body experiences the vibrations of our emotional thinking.
Best of Luck