Re: uotpia silver and mesosilver didn't work
Utopia Silver never did anything for you? How did you use it? What were the conditions that you used it for? And how long did you use it? If you would not mind elaborating. This is the first I have ever heard of this.
I know I attribute my excellent health to colloidal silver. It has saved me from the flu, pneumonia, infections, even after a tooth exctraction and from a severe animal bite, to name but a few. At no time did I rely on antibiotics. In fact, antibiotics never kept me from coming down with all of the above. Pneumonia and respiratory infections were a common place thing for me, as was the yearly flu, with or without a flu shot. Now all of the above are things of the past. Including the vaccinations and antibiotics.
I have new found energy, I am no longer fatigued, and actually I am a brand new person. My fibromyalgia is gone. If there is something in this world that works, it is certainly colloidal silver from Utopia Silver.
Kind regards,