Bit apprehensive about doing a liver flush, and also wondering about dissolving stones...
Heya all! I just joined a couple of days ago as after about a year or more of confusion about my health and body changes (and being told by docs I was fine when I knew otherwise!) I've come to the conclusion that the problem is my digestive system and more specifically probably my liver/gallbladder! Basically, I had horrible bloating, pain, fainting and also diarrhoea (sorry for tmi) after eating mayonnaise, and general digestive upset and diarrhoea after egg. Fatty foods seemed to have an effect too and some foods or combos also seemed to cause similar symptoms. Soon aftet this started (within months) I experienced rapid thinning of my skin (I think malabsorption, the docs won't listen really) and thinning hair (I think poorer filtration of hormones from the blood by my liver). So, I was thinking of doing an
Oxypowder 6-day cleanse followed by either directly into a liver cleanse (or multiple flushes) or also a
parasite / "Harmful Organism" cleanse (Global Healing Centre term :) ). Does this all sound good? ^_^ I also was wondering what people might think or know about the liver/gb cleanse over at
? It seems quite in depth.. I wonder if it works any better...
I am also a lil scared of the flush - it's not likely to be painful is it? I was thinking of doing them maybe twice a year after I've completed cleansed my liver this time (however many that may take!).
Also, what ARE the odds do you think of cleansing and unblocking my liver and gb WITHOUT the flushes? Do you think there is any time-efficient way to dissolve the stones and stuff, or is it likely to take quite a while even with a good combo of different herbs and foods? And is it possible my quite sudden digestive egg intolerance could be caused by anything else, or is liver most likely?
Thanks so much guys, sorry for rambling on!!
Hoppi! :)
EDIT -- Oh erm, which parasite/bad bacteria cleanse do people tend to do? I've been looking at
Clarkia and the GHC Harmful Organism cleanse, but I dunno which is better! I've also been drinking apple cider vinegar and taking garlic and aloe vera! Thanks! ^^