Excessive iron, such as in the condition known as hemocrhromatosis, can cause fatigue as well as pain in the upper right abdomen, but I don't think fainting is usually assoiciated with it.
You might try a couple of my favorite supplements: GTF chromium for proper blood sugar function and Drenamine for possible Adrenal Fatigue issues. You should be able to find both with a web search. I believe that iherb.com has both. I know that CZ sponsor Utopia Silver has the Standard Process Drenamine (and you can get 15% off with the CZ discount code of LR001 if it isn't on sale), but though they have a good Chromium GTF product, I like the MegaFoods whole foods derived product best, which I get from iherb.
Here is one other idea: if you can find the product called OxyGen, it never fails to give me an energy boost. iherb carries it, but has been out a few times lately and so does Utopia Silver.