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Re: HELP!! Disturbing symptoms I used to have returning
CGally81 Views: 6,922
Published: 15 y
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Re: HELP!! Disturbing symptoms I used to have returning

Do you use small amounts of oil to oil pull, or large amounts? This morning I used a smaller amount and pulled for 10 minutes instead of 20. I think I am getting a milder version of the symptoms, but I'm not sure. I also was randomly sweating at one point. I'd better not be going through my "fish oil" problems, unless it ENDS.

Have you ever reduced the amount of oil or time you use to reduce symptoms? How much do you pull - 1 tbsp for 20 minutes?

If things get intolerable even with small amounts of oil for short amounts of time, I'm either quitting or switching to olive oil. I'd much rather have emotional swings than experience the head pressure that I'm experiencing.

If it wasn't for the fact that these are symptoms I had when on fish oil, that got worse and worse and worse and never better until I stopped, then I'd just chalk it up to healing crisis and sit it out. My fear is that this could be just like the fish oil and, like the fish oil, only get worse and worse. I'm also afraid that, like with the fish oil, my hunger will shoot through the roof skyhigh if I quit, like it did when I quit fish oil.


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