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HELP!! Disturbing symptoms I used to have returning
CGally81 Views: 8,006
Published: 15 y

HELP!! Disturbing symptoms I used to have returning

Okay, during the summer, I tried fish oil, which turned out to be a huge mistake. Within a week or so, I was having weird problems involving pressure in my head that would get worse if I drank water, but would be relieved if I used the bathroom to pee. I also got other problems, such as random fatigue, random difficulty concentrating, and other crap.

When I stopped taking fish oil, those symptoms slowly went away.

Well, I've been doing oil pulling with coconut oil since last Thursday. One thing I noticed is within a few days, my appetite was reduced to normal levels! (It used to be abnormally high) Then again, fish oil appeared to do that to me as well. (When I stopped taking the fish oil, my appetite shot through the roof)

But the head pressure and difficulty focusing both seem to be returning to some degree, and it's freaking me out and really upsetting me. I know that omega-3 acids seem to give me headaches now (I got a NASTY headache when I ate a food that contained flax as an ingredient!), but I'm doing oil pulling with coconut oil. And I'd been taking coconut oil for well over a month now with no problems.

So why the hell is this happening now? Is this one of those "get worse before get better" things? Because fish oil had me in agony for a month, as my symptoms got worse and worse and worse, to the point where I had horrible throbbing pressure in my forehead that didn't go away until I used the bathroom, and it didn't get better until a while after I stopped using it. I experienced a much milder form of that nonsense last night.

Does anyone know of oil pulling causing these types of problems? I know some have had side effects with it. Does it bring back ancient symptoms of past problems to mess with you before killing those symptoms or their causes? Should I reduce the amount of oil I use or the time I pull?

Please help!


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