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Re: Is gardening now a crime?(edit)
RyanD Views: 1,006
Published: 15 y
This is a reply to # 1,731,523

Re: Is gardening now a crime?(edit)

lol Well if you are so intelligent why don't you explain what they mean! I don't find these terms mangled at all! And Im not about to explain something you obviously cant interpret yourself!
Why don't you give me your definition of a progressive ,which I understand completely why don't you give me your definition of socialist which I understand completely ,why don't you give me your definition of fascist which I understand completely! And why don't you tell me what the essence of the US Constitution is????? And do say as you commanded me to do without a Websters in hand and your own words!!!!
I am not here to define common terms for you, and your past personal attacks on me have been noted! So cut to the quick and explain your reason for this harassment?
If you want to challenge the message fine, if you want to pursue a personal attack well this is against Terms of Service, or do you need them defined also!


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