in support
I'd already found this site before I had an gallbladder attack, and even done one half hearted flush. So when the pain got intense I knew what to do. When the boulder sized gallstone came out at the
colonic place, I figured out "So THAT's why it hurt so badly".
Hey, I've got a long way to go, and thank goodness I got a forwarning....I strongly believe that prayers for our health are very powerful....I am so often led to exactly what I need to learn....when I listen.
God loves us, our bodies are our not our enemies, but part of us, and they cry out in pain for attention. If we listen and learn, instead of try to "shut them up" with medical bandaids, there is hope for health.
So we take each other by the hand and walk the path, gently inviting others to join.
Funny side note: I was having a bowl of vegetable soup the other day at a restuarenat, and the booth behind me was talking about health stuff, and pills, etc, and I turned around to see a bloated man with a huge belly explaining what his doctor wanted him to do. It was all I could do to throw my trash in the garbage and walk away. And all the people with him were buying into that scenario of taking organs out, taking pills etc.
The people who are looking will find this place. I reccommend curezone all the time...kind of casually to people. Maybe they will start thinking of educating NOT medicating.
Bless you for sharing. I'm sure you are so excited you'll make some curezone converts. You have a brave heart to have held out and endured the pain. I sure others will be blessed by your story.
healing the people of the earth, one little gallstone at a time....just being funny, but....