FANTASTIC! Re: My story...Gallbladder attack cured!
Congratulations...and a huge, sincere Welcome to Curezone!
'Tis absolutely amazing...the way our bodies were designed to heal themselves - WITHOUT having to go to surgeons to be carved up, or resorting to toxic pharmaceuticals.
Now, if we as humans, could only learn to stop bombarding our bodies with unnatural/toxic foods, polluting the earth, and making it virtually impossible for our bodies to function as the Creator intended, we wouldn't have any need for procedures OR products :)
If you haven't already found it, this site:
Welcome to The Doctor Within an absolutely fantastic walk through the human body. Not only does it inform us of what "modern evil medicine men" (lol) to avoid and how to avoid them, it also illuminates what natural/health cures are also unnecessary, frivolous, harmful (did you know? soy is BAD!), and/or laden with profit making potential, but have virtually no health benefits.
Blessings from Iowa!