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Re: One thing I'll say about Jim Humble
SilverFox Views: 3,123
Published: 15 y
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Re: One thing I'll say about Jim Humble

Actually, the story has evolved from Jim Humbles original comments.

Jim Humble believed that he was poisoned by "the powers that be." He fled them, returning to Mexico City. Since Miracle-Mineral-Supplement wasn't working, he checked himself into a hospital. The diagnosis was pneumonia. Only around 18% of the varieties of pneumonia are viral, so assuming that a hospital has the ability to know the difference between viral pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia, I would suspect that they administered Antibiotics after they confirmed bacterial pneumonia.

It was some time later that the information on the swine flu came out, and I initially suggested that Jim Humble had contracted that instead of being poisoned by "the powers that be."

Jim Humble later accepted the idea that he had the swine flu and talked up his treatment of it using Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .

The diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia is pretty straightforward, and its treatment with Antibiotics is very successful. I am not sure what part Miracle-Mineral-Supplement actually played in this.

If Jim Humble really wanted to prove MMS, he should have stayed out of the hospital and simply continued using it. At this time he also had access to MMS2, so I would have thought that the hospital resources would be left to those who don't have access to MMS...

Jim actually set a good precedent. When you really get sick, go to the hospital. [smile icon]



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