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Re: One thing I'll say about Jim Humble
SilverFox Views: 2,820
Published: 16 y
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Re: One thing I'll say about Jim Humble

Hello John,

I agree with you... IF it worked, the drug companies would stand to loose a lot of money, and the Gates foundation would have to find a new main emphasis.

However, while there is some anecdotal evidence that some find a little benefit initially, there is little actual proof that it does work. I am still not able to confirm any of the initial 75000 reported to be cured of malaria. I would invite you to contact the people listed in Jim Humbles book and see if you have better luck. When I contacted the hospitals where he reportedly ran his tests and trials, I was informed that they had never heard of him. When I questioned doctors that volunteer in Africa, they came back telling me that there is no word or rumor of a miracle cure for malaria in the parts of Africa they were working in.

A few questions to ponder...

If Miracle-Mineral-Supplement worked as advertised, why did Jim Humble find it necessary to check into a hospital when he was taken ill with a respiratory problem?

If Miracle-Mineral-Supplement worked as advertised, why is Jim Humble not able to provide those who are offering to distribute Miracle-Mineral-Supplement world wide the proof that it does work?

Also, IF MMS worked as advertised, why did Jim Humble change his mind about it and introduce MMS2?



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