Re: Colonic question
I'm a long time viewer,first time poster.
This forum along with
Andreas Moritz 's forum have been a blessing for me so please allow me to thank people like lisag and Midge for always being so kind and helpful with their responses....thank you.
In response to Gail95's message,I've done five
Liver Flushes so far.
Flushes one through three I did a colon hydrotherapy session the day before the flush and then another one,one to two days after the flush.
The instrument my Colon Hydrotherapists uses allows her to perform a gas test and I always respond to it by releasing some gas.
My fourth flush did a colon hydrotherapy session before the flush then I had a session the same day I did the flush and it was great.
I could see stones floating through the discharge tube.
I had not seen any stones in my follow-up colon hydrotherapy sessions that I took after flushes one through three,one to two days after the flushes but my therapist said that the stones could be mixed with waste matter that had come out during those post flush sessions.
Friday the 30th I performed my fith
Liver Flush without a colon hydrotherapy session before or after.
I feel fine but I definately see the benefits of having CH sessions before and after a flush.
Benefits not only for the
Liver Flush but for just general overall well being.
I highly recommend colon hydrotherapy sessions before and after every flush.
I live in Nashville Tennessee and my colon hydrotherapy therapist charges $70 per session and offers a discount if you pay for three or more sessions in advance.
The inserting of the discharge tube can be uncomfortable sometimes so it's always best to relax and make sure you feel comfortable before proceeding.
The more you do it,the easier it becomes.
I hope this response has been helpful.
I'm so thankful that I found out about
Liver Flushing and this forum along with
Andreas Moritz 's forum have been a blessing to amazing source of information.
Thank you Liver Flush&
Liver Cleansing Support Forum #26 Gallstones&Gall Bladder Forum.....