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Re: Oil Pulling side effect ?
MENDOMAID Views: 11,519
Published: 15 y
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Re: Oil Pulling side effect ?

I remember that my mom would give me bread and hot milk when I was sick so it became a comfort food for me. But as an adult who tends to get heavy overgrowths of Candida I don't do that any more. To the Candida in your body this is a feast, a real holiday dinner - high carbohydrates, the comfort of milk (it's relaxing) and has some protein to make the yeasts healthier. Now you are pooping out strings and clusters of yeasts looking for a new home as their old one is too crowded.

The gluten in wheat, barley and rye causes various problems. First is that it's a very high carbohydrate food and encourages the growth of yeasts and bacteria. Secondly, some people have allergies to those grains and the reaction will cause inflammation in the digestive system. Thirdly,
some people develop Leaky Gut Syndrome when they eat gluten foods and others develop autoimmune Celiac Disease.

Some of the basic components of gluten and cow dairy are similar so that eating cow dairy may cause an allergy to the dairy and make the gluten reaction worse. Cow dairy is also hard to digest so the yeasts and bacteria have longer to use them for their own nutrition before the diary is broken down for your use.


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