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Oil Pulling side effect ?
MrsLivia Views: 16,872
Published: 15 y

Oil Pulling side effect ?


I just wanted to connect the dot with something.

I ' ve been oil pulling with olive oil for 8 days ( twice a day for 20 mn) and on the 8 day I ' be been experiencing heavy stomach burning.

So I read somewhere on earthclinic that oil pulling stimulate the gallblader.

And I read also a guy on the net who ahd stomach burning and his doc said it was the gallbladder secreting bile acid on empty stomach.

Also, another person on earthclinic experiencing stomach pain with OP have been adviced to stay clear from gluten and dairy for while and then restart the OP.

So if OP stimaulate the gallbladder even when I don't eat,
don't you think Op can drive crazy the gallblader to work even when not necessary and hence causing the somach burning ?

Or is that the gluten/dairy thing ?

I just ate tons of bread and milk lately after avoiding them and I felt an increase in heart pulse which indicate an allergy I presume.
But during the stomach burning that lasted 3 days ( still a bit today after 6 days) I had a slight reflux with a yellow mucous that some believe could be from the bile.

Really confused.

I have been taking apple cider vinegar, the burning calmed down, not sure it is due to ACV though.

Also right now , after eating bread and milk I had a diareha
and saw white perfect balls which maybe indicate some candida, I believe.

ps: I' ve been seeing after Liver Flush white balls and strings really white in stools.

Thank you in advance for your time, I 'm trying to connect the dots of what' s going on, since doctors look at me with empty eyes when I talked about it and seem to have no clue.

Other symptoms I had for while : post nasal drip ( since the age of 10), eye floaters, inflammed collarbone, fatigue after eating, back pain.

Thank you again.



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