Again though, at least I don't seem to have symptoms pointing to any large stones, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have toxins stuck in bowels for a few days after flush?
Having toxins stuck in the bowels a few days is exactly what you want to avoid. Even if you don't pass stones, you can pass a lot of toxins during a liver flush. These toxins can be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream and make you feel worse than ever. Proper bowel function, or at the very least a flushed out colon is vital before doing a liver flush. The only exception I can think of is if you could go out immediately and get a colonic.
I need to go back and research your prior posts before going any further. One question-why can't you eat fruit? Is it Candida, allergies or what? Normally fruits are very cleansing to the system. Very toxic people may experience a cleansing crisis, but a short fruit diet should be safe for most people.