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Fecal body odor reduced by elimination diet and remove sensitive foods

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staynforhope Views: 26,011
Published: 15 y

Fecal body odor reduced by elimination diet and remove sensitive foods

Hi all,

I'll try to keep this as short as possible.

This probably started back many years ago , I'd say about 7 years ago. I got comments like 'did you shit your pants', 'someone shit their pants?' , 'you need to shower' and of course the usual sniffing , coughing and weird looks that I get. The funny thing is I can't smell a damn thing even my clothes smells fine after a long day out. The only time that I could smell is when I stay in a room for a while or sitting in a car with the windows wined up. After stepping back in I could smell that it's not very fresh at all.

I did have a very bad diet when I was young , full of processed and fried food. A very common pattern in all fecal Body Odor sufferers or should I say all of us went through a phase of bad diet?

I began researching and spent hundreds of hours and came to conclusion that I may have the follow:

Candida (Candida - just another name for fungal / parasite infection?)
Hyperthyroid (Negative - blood test confirmation)
Leaky Gut Syndrome ( Is there really such thing?)
Mal-absorption (Undigested food rotting ?)
Bad diet ( Too much fried / processed food?)

I had a colonoscopy, gastroscopy and numerous of blood test and they all came back NEGATIVE!!!!!

- Extremely fatigue
- Foggy Brain
- Bloating ( I looked pregnant at some stages)
- Diarrhea
- Dry itchy skin (Dandruff)
- Extreme bad breath
- Vertical nail ridges (Everyones seems to have it though?)
- Eye Fatigue
- White tongue
- Jock itch
- and probably a few other dozen symptoms

I have tried -

Chlorophyll (Made my stool less smell but fbo remains)
Colon Hydrotherapy ( Symptoms lessened such as bad breath but only lasted for 1 day or so)
Zinc Pills (Nope does not work , well for me anyway)
Probiotics ( Did seem to make my breath a little better but sometimes I just got so gassy taking it)

After many months of research , I came to the conclusion that I may have malabsorption of some type.

I went to get some breath test done -

Fructose Malabsorption - POSITIVE (Extreme high reading)
Lactose " - POSITIVE

I was referred to a dietitian group (Sue Shepherds)

They put me on a low FODMAP diet -
My IBS symptom stopped straight away, tongue got less whiter each day and energy has increased dramatically.

However, my FBO was still there but about 10 - 20 % better which still made me really depressed.

Back to the PC - and another hundred hours of research later I started to think I may need a digestive enzyme / have low stomach acid.

Bought 2 supplements , digestive enzymes and betain hcl (stomach acid)

After taking them for about 2 weeks, there seems to be a lot of improvement and the FBO seems to have reduce a another 20 - 30%. I have also eliminated a lot of food from the low FODMAP diet.

My diet was very similar to the 'Doug Phase 1 diet' (You can research it on google)

After all these treatments and trying stuff around I believe I have an overgrowth of fungus / parasite or people would like to call it candida.

My advise -

Research the phase 1 diet , avoid any food your sensitive to like fructose, lactose and etc. Other foods to avoid may include beef, cheese or anything that's hard to digest and this includes your favourite fatty food and SUGAR. I can't stress enough about SUGAR, it feeds the yeast and whichever day I ate Sugar the next day I was stinking it up and the jock itch gets terrible. Buy some digestive enzymes, which may help eliminate undigested food for the bacteria. Essentially what we need to do is starve the bacteria. If you need some diet recipes I may be able to help you out. Stay as strict as possible on the diet as cheating on the diet will put you back to square one. I cheated too many times. I believe there are no miracle cures and diet is the key to getting rid of this illness. I will also try Grapefruit-Seed-Extract soon as I heard it kills bad fungus/bacteria. I hope a few more months of this diet will eliminated my FBO forever.

Stay strong people, there are hope and god is here to help us all.

If you need any help or questions answered please contact me. I'm more than happy to help and exscuse my language and grammar.



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