Re: capillaries on hands, chest, face
It's seems to be more a circulation problem, because when I stay a long time in the cold, my hands become swollen when I come back in a hot place. They become very red and swollen, and my fingers hurt. Same for my feets.
Sound like some type of reperfusion problem.
I have been tested for raynaud and they said that it was normal. They analyzed my fingers with a kind of electronic magnifying glass, everything was fine, normal vessels.
There is actually Raynaud's disease, which is autoimmune, and Raynaud's phenomena, which has other cuases such as smoking or hypothyroidism.
If you look to my chest and hands, you can see the "broken" cappilaries. I'm very young to have that kind of prob. I don't see that in anybody I know. They have a normal skin, without visible veins, and they don't become awfully red for no reason.
I know Hv pointed low stomach acid for the main reason of rosacea.
Do you think the other parts of the body could be affected with that because of low stomach acid?
Hormones are more likely contributing to this.