Re: Strange pH changes during & after MC - Suggestions?
Hi Pepe,
I was hoping you'd respond. You've got a lot of experience.
What you suggest is exactly what I have in mind. During the work week, it'll have to be mostly raw veggies, as I'll away from home (and my juicer) for as long as 14 hours a day at a time.
I've been quickly scouring the pH forum and links and have a list of pH-raising foods already printed and on my fridge. However, it seems I have a problem with calcium - I avoid dairy - and that seems to have exacerbated the imbalance in pH levels (I think it's a two-directional relationship). I was alarmed to see a drop in bone mass from 2.0 kg to 1.8 kg in total bone mass during the "MC" and so I will address that problem, too. Unfortunately, I live in Japan and can't read Japanese that well so finding pickling calcium might be a challenge. Thank goodness for the internet. I will probably have to address the calcium problem mostly through diet.
I think my main problem is a meat addiction. I would love to change to a vegan lifestyle, but my body doesn't cope well with that. I'll research vegetable calcium sources and reduce meat as much as I can tolerate. I have O-type blood, and there might be something to the blood-type diets. Last year, during the most stressful times of stress, my diet consisted mainly of fried chicken bought from convenience stores as I didn't have time to sleep adequately, let alone prepare a proper diet. I can see the damage a poor diet can do, in addition to poor sleep and high stress levels. I've found ways to relieve the stress and improve sleep and exercise, but the food has to improve too.
When I do prepare meals from home, it's organic and locally grown according to what's in season. I'll just have to get more organized and knowledgeable about food choices, that's all.
I was just alarmed to see urine readings go from 5.0-5.5 during the
Master-Cleanse (already a bad sign) to 7.8 in a period of 3 days.
I think I will follow your advice to just do juice fasts and raw foods as much as possible for a few months until things sort themselves out. I still plan to do a proper
Master-Cleanse soon after.
I am grateful to know about the
Master-Cleanse as a tool to remove toxins, as I discovered just how toxic this body had become, since it will lead me to other ways to bring my health back into the great balance it had attained for 5 years, thanks to CZ and advice from experienced people like you.