I do carry a 35 lb one year old most of the day. The heart was checked, he said I have the heart of an athelete. I don't think the flush hurt much, because I've had this pain for so long. My pain is better in the morning. My stools are fine, and otherwise I'm fine. This pain has hurt me so long. I've had xrays, so my rib isn't out of place. The reason I did the flush is because of the pain. I'm so tired of my family thinking I'm a hypochondriac. It's hard. I'm 24. I shouldn't be having these problems. I think I might have Pyroluria. I don't only have digestive problems, but I fit the other symptoms as well. HOw do you tell your family something is wrong with you when you've had so many tests, and they show up OK. Deep inside I think something is wrong.