Re: Zapper worth it?
>> And what frequencies should I use... ...
Frequencies are a very HOT debate on the use of a zapper. Everyone has a definitive opinion on this topic.
You MUST understand that a specific frequency in a zapper is not mandatory.
On Rife devices, yes, On zappers, no.
But every manufacturer offers different frequencies to better sale their zappers, most customers requesting popular frequencies as 2.5kHz or 15Hz, as patients request badly
Antibiotics against viruses, to their doctor.
= Use 30kHz as a general, good for all, frequency (best frequency for the basic zapper’s effect).
= When it doesn’t work fast enough, take a chance with 2.5kHz. This frequency is less efficient than 30kHz for the basic zapper’s effect (small direct currents flowing in you) but acts better on resonant frequency effect (another, very different effect, on top of the basic zapper’s effect)
= 15Hz is a very poor frequency for zapper use, but it has its own qualities, and this very low frequency “whispers” to the brain for a increased mental ability, focus, alertness, and has good reputation for chronic pain.
Check on this page for more information
= A zapper works very well where its current freely flows (blood, lymph, …)
= A zapper doesn’t works well on hollow organs, like lungs or intestinal track. Emptiness doesn’t conduct current.
You better use your zapper for general work, removing many emergencies from your immune system, and use other ways (
Colloidal Silver or herbs, for the intestinal track, for example)
Candida is a very opportunistic and very hard to get_rid_of fungus. It seems that Zapper works on it (I’m not a doctor…), but you will need to insist for many weeks.
>> You said 30 this a day or 30 mins then take a brake then 30 mins etc?? I read somewhere to do 7 mins then 30 min break then 7 mins 30 min brake then one last 7 min.
The first use of a zapper should be, to my point of view, the original sequence 7mn_On, 30mn_Pause, repeated 3 times, once a day. If elimination side-effects
are tolerable, increase to twice a day. Read this page for more information.
But most users, with a zapper without any automatic sequence like yours, switch to continuous zapping, using their zapper from 30mn to many hours, and complaining then for severe Herx reactions.
For many problems, 30mn = = 1x 7-20 session. But 7-20 works better on
parasites having “subtenants”
Never use a zapper during your sleeping time. You should be aware of what is going on, in your body, at all times, when zapping (skin burns are often due to exaggeration during sleeping time.
For more information, read your manual (if any) or ask questions to your distributor. He knows better than nobody its zapper and how it should be used.