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Dogs - cauliflower ear?
LadyofYorkies Views: 9,399
Published: 15 y

Dogs - cauliflower ear?

I have a female Yorkie about 11 lbs and tonight I checked her ears. We have been having a bad time with fleas and she has been scratching the he** out of her ears. I have been very busy with other things this year and trusted my immediate family to look after my dogs. I thought she was scratching because of fleas but I put some tea tree oil on her and when I checked tonight, not a flea. So I wondered if she had ear mites and both ears are closed up. I don't remember what the condition is called but I recognized it because her son had the same thing in one of his ears. I still have some of his medicine although I don't have him any longer. It is called Tresaderm and I would like to know of a natural way of treating this condition instead of using this medicine. Sylvia


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