Re: Liver Flukes
Zappers are wonderful devices every one should have and use. But they have their limits too.
A Hulda Calrk’s zapper is based on small currents flowing through you, everywhere where the current can flow. The liver having the biggest concentration of blood, and blood being a “good” conductor, a big part of it can be zapped.
Intestines are another history. Being a hollow organ, the current will flow on the juicy walls, and very little will go inside. Enough to give you a slight diarrhea, but not enough to get rid of many
parasites living in it without looong sessions, to avoid when using a zapper for the first time.
When intestinal track is involved, I usually zap to alleviate the immune system work, and use
Colloidal Silver as a good complement to the zapper. Working well FOR ME.
Using a zapper once a week for you will do no much. But at least you know that you have no negative reactions to it.
Expect once a day to start with, see how it goes, and increase zapping as needed
Now, the $100 question of which zapper is best. Here is my general answer :
The one in working condition you can have at hand, when you need-it.
(Almost) Everything else is endless argumentation. But…
= Zappers plugged on the line (110V) : Very expensive, most of them illegal by electrical rules, and they seriously restrain your mobility. Avoid them.
= Many are badly made. If their builder doesn’t show you(or doesn’t want to show) how the inside is assembled (at least a PCB), or have not a good reputation, or have a “miraculous publicity”, avoid them.
= This forum will give you a lot of good, and sometimes contradictory recommendations. Use your good sense. You are the one living with YOUR final choice.
You can have a good zapper for around $50 to $100, sometimes less.
Here are two zappers I know well. Use them as references to compare and make your final choice.
= The MZ4R (Maestro-Zapper) is a 555 based zapper with two frequencies and a constant 11V supply, out of the 9V battery. It relies mainly on basic zapper’s effect.
= The MZ6 (same source) is a 6 frequency zapper, powered by a micro-controller, if you want to use frequency effect on top of basic zapper’s effect. Narrow sweep frequency has been “calculated” for flukes too, but never used yet on liver flukes.
But there is many others mentioned in this forum, I will use too if I did not have my biased choices (:-).
Continue asking questions. Compare, make a choice, and let us know how your purchase and your use is going : We need your feed back too.