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Re: Adrenal fatigue and coffee enemas?

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Hveragerthi Views: 10,386
Published: 15 y
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Re: Adrenal fatigue and coffee enemas?

 coffee enemas do not act the same way as drinking coffee.

The caffeine is being absorbed through the intestinal wall right in to the bloodstream, just as it is absorbed from the small intestine when ingested orally.  So it does not matter if you drink the caffeine or take it rectally, it is going in to the bloodstream where it will stimulate the adrenals and block the adenosine receptors.

the caffeine hits the portal vein in the colon and is transported quickly to the liver causing a strong expulsion of bile, similar to the liver flush.

The so-called "liver flushes" do not flush the liver:

bitters are also a good idea, and probably safer... only if they actually work. simply taking bitters does not guarantee bile expulsion.

The reason they are known as "digestive bitters" is because they stimulate the release of stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes and BILE.  This is because the bitters stimulate the vagus nerve, which has branches controlling these different aspects of digestion.  So yes, bitters do stimulate bile secretion and expulsion.  This is why they are so helpful in dissolving real gallstones.  They can help dissolve the precipitated cholesterol and by expelling bile will help prevent stagnation that lead to supersaturation and precipitation of cholesterol, which is the cause of most gallstones.  In addition the bitters help to control estrogen and progesterone levels, both of which contribute greatly to the formation of gallstones.



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