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I'm so weak...
Charly Views: 2,227
Published: 15 y

I'm so weak...

i'm worse today. I couldn't get to sleep till about 2'00 am - i went to bed at 11:00. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and had to get up.

It's really hard for me to do the basal body test. I usually have to go to the bathroom when I wake up. The few times I did it this week I don't know if I did it long enough.... my temp came back at 97.

But I found the blood test results that the neurologist had done... the thyroid and the calcium were the same as my regular doctor had done.

I feel so weak... and am uncomfortable sitting or lying in my bed. I feel like I might die. I don't even feel like I have the strength to go to a doctor.

I'm still eating (I eat an apple and a banna every day - and raw veggies among other healthy things) and taking the herbs, bitters, zinc, tmg, magnisum malate, MSM, lecthin and nutritional yeast, vitamin E and vitamin C, B12, sometimes some fish oil and other things.... I'm still doing the wheatgrass most days and the homemade kefir.

The owner of the vitamin store that I go to knows alot about health things says I should take tummerick to get rid of the inflammation in my body. Do you reccomend this too?

What shall I do?


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