Good questions, all easily answered. First, it was not my gallbladder causing the blockage, it was something in the common bile duct, and they were not sure exactly what, hence the ERCP. So if they took out the gallbladder the problem wouldn't have been resolved. Yes, as per my first post, I had gallstones. They symptoms were pain around the stomach area and in the gallbladder area, but the telling symptom was my urine turned brownish color caused by bile being discharged into my body and not out the bile duct. In short, I was developing jaundice and in about 6 days my skin would have turned yellow. A nice tan without going south. Lastly, I did an emergency flush to see if I could move them along with 1 tlbs epson, 1/2 oil, 1/2 lemon, and I did not pass one stone. By this time the liver wasn't functioning correctly and any new bile created went into the blood stream and body. Maybe if I had done another flush right after the first one it may have worked but I will never know.
I think I will try GCG and not give up, I'm so close...and have made huge progress.