Re: Can geotrichum klebahnii cause candida symptoms?
I tested positive for geotrichum klebahnii also. I cannot find much about it and how to differentiate it from other yeasts. I had many
Antibiotics as a child also and multiple courses as an adult. I have had GI issue for many years and in the past 4 years have had increasing joint pain, foggy brain, very tired, headaches, etc. Ridiculous long list of issues--allergies and sinus issues also. Lots of difficulty sleeping. 45 years old, female.
I started seeing a naturopath about 10 months ago and we tried probiotics and caprylic acid. Didn't do much. Then about 2 months ago I started on the candida diet and began Candex and had a lot of progress! I have been sleeping a lot better and a lot more energy. I was able to go off the adrenal support I had been taking. I still have GI issues and some joint pain but they have improved some.
Now I am on a 2 week course of Nystatin and then will switch to Caprylic acid again--these are the only 2 things that the yeast is supposedly effected by, according to my test. I think I may need to be on the diet for a long time. The Candex does really help though. I noticed a difference in a week or two.
I wish there was more info about this particular yeast, it seems quite aggressive, at least hearing your story and mine. Or maybe it is just that it is something we acquired as children and has been building up for years?
Anyway, hope you've had some success!