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Can geotrichum klebahnii cause candida symptoms?
Cosmo7 Views: 8,739
Published: 15 y

Can geotrichum klebahnii cause candida symptoms?


I have been suffering with CFS/mono for at least three years, but have had issues five years or more. Constantly run down, brain fog, feel like I have a couple good hours a day then need to rest, depression. Also acne, constant sinus issues, insomnia, etc.; Last year my digestive issues become acute, and I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I have tried different strict diets, and they help some, but it is inconsistent. After I eat almost any meal, I get run down, foggy, within 20 minutes but it is worse if it is junk or high carbs. My weight had remained steady, between 190-195, I'm 6', male, and just turned 40.

Three years ago doctor diagnosed mono and few months later low testosterone, but I had not been well before that. I cant help but feel that the all this and UC are symptoms, not ultimate cause for what is going on.

I've had numerous courses of anti-biotics, probably about five times in last ten years, (for my sinus issues and acne, but not since I have started to suspect it as a cause) and quite a bit as a child, one time daily for a whole year as I had rheumatic heart fever (no problems with that since then.)

I had a stool test recently (from Doctor's Data.) It was strong positive for geotrichum klebahnii, which I cannot find much information about. My beneficial flora was almost non-existant, with commensal bacteria flourishing.

So I guess my question is if geotrichum could cause candida symptoms? I have started a candida diet (though I was pretty close before) and probiotics, parastat, gse and oregano oil. How long before I begin seeing results, or give up on this diagnosis? I guess I was a bit sceptical of candida before, but if it is the answer then hallelujah!

Thanks for reading this long message, and for any help or insight you may have, I really appreciate it. :)


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