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New lower prices!
Hulda Clark Cleanses

New lower prices!
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 Views: 1,040
Published: 15 y


From the Golden Triangle

Durean is OK, but after it sets a little, the smell will drive you away, otherwise Thailand is the land of fruits....people up North near the Golden Triangle actually plant most anything on slopes so steep, that most Americans could never even walk or be able to hang on....and yet are even able to harvest vast amounts of fruits on slopes so steep that if they dropped anything, it would roll downhill for hundreds, if not over 1,000 feet before it hit bottom.

Their main source of income would be from selling fruits of the trees to the entire some areas there are so many fruit trees that you would think it would take millions of people to do the harvesting, yet it appears to be done by people who just know how to work..

Naturally these natural fruit eating people have straight backs and americans appear to them as having curved / sickly backs.....which is correct.

The Monk temples are everywhere, no matter how poor people are, they still have the golden temples in every community.

The Golden Triangle is the herioin capitle of the world, they have museums showing off this history and no doubt the soldiers from vietnaum era all partied here.

Surprizingly in the tourist areas, a good hotel room can go for $200+ and a meal $75.....while if you chose a room like native people live in, it would be pennies a day to live here.

The wealthy must have the poor to work for them, that way they can keep their wealth and attract other wealthy people to come and enjoy having poor people cater to their every needs...

In the towns a thai massage can cost you $3.00, while in a top hotel the same massage will cost you upwards of $125.00+.

The mosquito seems to be enemy number one...otherwise the ants own the ground along with every spider imaginable.

The fruits desire rain daily, often 1-2 small rains every day. While large rains must not be common, otherwise all the hill farms would wash to the bottom and erosin would destroy most farms of the North.

The North is much poorer than the South. Areas in the North you can drive a very long time never seeing a tourist, which also means no one speaks english.

Budah is ALL, they seem to only know of Budah and this pretty much keeps the people mild and tourist areas the locals call all white men "BOSS"..

Wealthy people have security guards 24/7 galore, along with so many gardeners you would have trouble counting them all, simple because a little $$$ can buy alot of help..IN STORES IT IS COMMON to see a security guard in every isle.

FOOD and ROOMS like all the rest of the world is priority one for the visitor and plenty of SPA type hotels exist everywhere and they all have 1 thing in common, NO TOURIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Million dollar spas are everywhere and most have maybe 2-12 visitors and often when you go to eat, your the only people being makes you wonder how these wealthy owners keep the lights on.

YET, they won't lower their prices, even if you are the only customer they have that day, the SPA type hotels have their set prices, which most likely keeps the world travelers away.

Compared to American prices, you spend about to same daily, but have a nicer room. For $250 per day, you can enjoy the best room and meal.

BUT, if your willing to live less, you can get by for pennies a day.

You can see that there was a period where the wealthy desired to build hundreds of spas all over Thailand, but those days seem long past now...with no customers, they have to eventualy fade into the past.

"IF" you have some $$$ and want to buy some slave labor, Thailand is for you!!! THE PEOPLE seem 100x nicer than old mexico people and very clean and most friendly people you will find anywhere....

Naturally the young people desire to have $$$$ so they can create their own business.....if they had $$$, no dout the days of being a slave to the rich would be gone.

Wealth exist because of the poor that will work...wealth is a religion, the money really means NOTHING, while the slave actualy has it ALL, but does not realize it, because with out the slave, the wealthy must do their own work and thus their made up money system would be meaningless. does not exist where governments exist.




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