I couldnt agree more.I'm 23...and have been labeled post infectious ibs.I have seen about 12 doctors.Been to the er 7 times for stomach pain behind belly button and just below it.I have been prescibed flagyl,bental,tylox,immodium,xifaxan,and so on.Atleast I know enough not to take that garbage bc I know what is wrong with me is not the "norm" that they are used to seeing.With your advice I started the cleanse and am feeling a tad better.I have been tested for parasites 7 times...twice by a "specialized lab in parasites".Negative every single time.All they see is many yeasts.See I live in new england,have not been out of the country..ever and I don't eat any seafood or raw foods but fruit which I always wash.Any red meat I eat has to be well done...no pink what-so-ever.I don't think I have a parasite at this point.But am still contineing the cleanse as I know it helps with yeast and bacteria.I think I have Bacterial overgrowth...and I know I have yeast overgrowth.My GI will NOT test me for SIBO..hes very arrogant and has "ibs" stuck in his mind.Im sorry but I dont think people with ibs lose 15 lbs in a month.What do you think of all this?