Spoke with a couple from California late yesterday. Their 20 year old daughter was diagnosed with Chrone's disease. At 18 she went on a senior trip to Uganda, came back sick and has most recently received this diagnosis after much testing. They could not pinpoint what was going on, so they just stuck this label on her.
She does not have Chron's, she has a microscopic parasite that she picked up overseas! She has ALL of the classic symptoms.
A list of some of the blanket diseases:
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Chrone's Disease
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
and on and on!
I see this all the time in people with parasite infections. Doctors do not go to the ROOT CAUSE of the problems. They are treating symptoms with pill after pill, test after test, and very unnecessary surgeries.
I have an acquaintance who is a medical practitioner who was talking about how he could not make the correct diagnosis in the ER due to the internet being down because of a storm! ?????????? WHAT???????? Blew my mind.
When the human body is out of balance, it shows signs (symptoms). These symptoms signal a problem. Go to the CAUSE of the problem. Stop giving pills to supress the symptoms, which cause MORE problems elsewhere in the body.
OK, rant over.