Re: Help!
Don't take any
Antibiotic yet. It is too soon to know if you got SIBO or not. Your symptoms can be the result of other things. Please, calm down. SIBO has never killed anybody, in fact, there are people living with it chronically. I am not aware of any SIBO case report after HPI and everybody have taken PPIs. Also, SIBO cause other symptoms, specially bloating product of the fermentation. Intestinal cramps and gurgling are very commun with SIBO, diarrhea too. I don't know what you have but if it is a bacterial overgrowth, it has solution. Why have to be you the execption to the rule ?? I also took a fecal shake ( no small amount ) and I don't have any of those symptoms. I also took PPIs in spite I know I am lack of stomach acid. There are thousands of people in this world who take PPIs every day for chronic reflux and H. Pylori, and they don't have SIBO. Those people eat and get bacterias from food, etc. I have had severe anxiety and suicidal thoughts in the past without to drink any fecal solution. If what you have is SIBO, it will show up classic SIBO symptoms. To early to conclude about it. Calm down, you have demostrated me you have control and intelligence. There is time to know if what you have is SIBO or not. If you get diarrhea, bloating, stomach pain, yes, it could be a sepsis.