Acid Reflux was one of my worst post-removal symptoms. I never experienced it while on the Mirena. For me, it seemed to quiet down after about 6 months after kicking up. It still comes back with my period occasionally, for a day or so, though. I am pretty sure that, for me, acid reflux was an indicator of low progesterone. I went on bioidentical progesterone cream (from yams) and it seemed to help some. HOWEVER, this cream also had horrible side effects that were as bad or worse than the Mirena and which I am still recovering from, almost a year after stopping it. I wish I had never touched the cream, and had tried to boost progesterone using Vitex and focusing on my adrenals instead. You may want to try this. Use extreme caution if you decide on the cream. I am now 16 months post mirena removal.