15 y
Re: Questions before I try again - n/m
Flush author
Andreas Moritz states that nausea occurs when the oil mixture is pushed back to the stomach. To minimize the chance it is advised to have a clean colon either by taking laxatives such as Colosan or castor oil or having enemas/colemas in the days prior, or on flush day. Passage of the oil is hindered by food residue. Minimal discomfort was reported on his forum by people who did a colema cleanse at 4 pm, 2 hours before the first Epsom dose. Moritz' advise for nausea during the night is to take either 2 Tbsp. Aloe Vera juice or a HCl tablet. This closes the esophagus sphincter.
It's advisable to drink water after 2 pm so as to avoid dehydration. Avoid it 20 mins either side from taking the salts. May drink it up to 9:30 pm.
Drink the flush potion at 10 pm but no water for a few hours after. This is the time that liver functions peak ('Pitta time' according to Ayurveda science, upon which Moritz bases his health books; water is 'Kapha' and thus antagonistic to the desired effect, so drink it earlier). If you feel the amount of oil is too much, note that equally good results have been attained with as little as 2
oz. -as in Dave Frahm's protocol-. Jessesmom1987's protocol, which substitutes the Coke flush potion while keeping all the rest of Clark/Moritz', is even easier to stomach, prevents nausea and promotes sleep. Moritz says it's very important to have a colema/colonic or several enemas within 3 days after the flush, to remove possible remnant stones. Although most people don't have problems with the plain Clark protocol, he knew of others who ruined their GI tracts who omitted the colon cleansing, so if you choose to eschew this step be very vigilant about how the bowels feel and perform. Check out this post, complete with a reply by
Andreas Moritz to understand the importance of colon cleansing:
Softening of the stones with apple juice or the other alternatives for several days renders them quite soft, even sludge-like and so are easily expelled.
All sizes of stones have been flushed, even those supposedly too big to pass -2'' across or more - However, stones from the gallbladder are not the first to come out and generally need 6 to 8 flushes before they start emerging. These are calcified stones that sink to the bottom of the bowl unlike those coming from the liver that are green and float. Big stones inside the gallbladder can be reduced in size with Chanca Piedra extract or Peppermint oil enteric capsules. Those inside the liver can be reportedly crushed and reduced with use of the gold coin grass tincture -though apple juice seems to be stronger- and it's also good for the kidneys (more info at