15 y
Re: Wow..really really need to vent.
Not really sure of the point of your post.
Must be nice to have those kinds of options. I wasn't raised by my father. I was raised by my mother who screwed me up in other ways. There isn't really any other family. There are "relatives", but without going into detail - they are useless to me.
Narcistic a**ho** father still in his own twisted, screwed up way treats me better than them and has genuinely understood things. It's hard NOT to be drawn to him.
When you have no family nor much in the friend department..I have "friends", they're just useless and kind of there and that's not much anyway. Anyone else who has had the life I have had would have killed themselves by now.
"I don't wish to cause others to suffer or to attempt to manipulate their feelings, actions, or decisions for my own entertainment. I just don't. "
I really don't either. Just when it comes to this jackass. It's a game. If I was any good at manipulating people or really had the desire too...I would be more efficient at one of my jobs and I'm not.