Re: pin-pricking sensation in right rib cage after doing Liver Flush
You may have latent IBS problem of the large bowel, these are the signs: There are plenty of variations.
Right-sided abdominal pain, either low or tucked up under the right ribs. Does not always get better after passing a stool.
Pain tucked up under the left ribs (splenic flexure syndrome). When the pain is bad, it may enter the left armpit.
Variable and erratic bowel habits alternating from constipation to diarrhoea.
Flatulence (excess wind).
Increased gastro-colic reflex. This is an awakening of the childhood reflex where food in the stomach stimulates
colonic activity, resulting in the need to pass a stool.
Severe, short stabbing pains in the rectum, called proctalgia fugax.
IBS can follow a liver-flush and may be an indication that the problem is with the colon rather than the gallbladder/liver.