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Re: Dumbing Down Society Part I: Foods, Beverages and Meds
herbalnutritionistcmt Views: 9,983
Published: 15 y
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Re: Dumbing Down Society Part I: Foods, Beverages and Meds

im suprised ure link wasnt censored like some of my replies were on the subject of fruitarianism.(the moderator didnt like what i had to say even though i didnt accuse or call anyone a name i simply did an intresting rebuttal to one of the replies that I had received. I think it made the other party look a little ignorant though) Another post to another blog with free speech was also censored under the guise that I was trying to advertise.(I dont own any websites nor do i care to at the moment, I just want to be able to write down what I believe and converse freely) I have no personal friends who own a web site either so I have nothing to gain.
the article is intresting, I was aware of around 50-70% already, but some of the more detailed.. details i was not aware of. It would be great if you included the bush dynasty from at least prescott bush and down and tie them into the whole nazi era. It seems to me that you have written extensively on many and that you must be a researcher or journalist of some sort. Some things in the article I disagree with but, the general jist is on the $$.
its quite amazing that most people in society dont know whats really going on. Its sad the america has become so corrupt that its citizens cant even see whats going on. I am a firm believer that america will repudiate its entire constitution very soon. The same atrocities that were commited in Hitlers Germany(or rather rockefellers, Ford, Bush's) will begin in the land of the free and brave. In a short time the insanity will then spread to the rest of the world.


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