It depends what one consumes. Olives and avocados are naturally fatty fruits. Fruits are naturally acidic in the mouth but become alkaline after digestion. Rinsing with salt water could help alkanize the mouth. There are several definitions for fruitarian, one being eating mostly fruits, and another is eating without destroying the organism you are feeding from. To urinate much indicates eating too much ripe fruits. Palpitations could indicate too much metals in the body such as mercury, or it could also be a sign of a mineral deficiency resulting from an imbalanced diet. So should a fruitarian eat seeds or wild greens is a question of debate on what is really a fruitarian, and what is considered a balanced diet for fruitarians. There are not many true fruitarians and so being successful is an elusive endeavor.
I am not sure what the PETA-like propaganda is that you (cilantro) fell for, please explain? My guess is that you want to promote your raw meat eat diet, itself will cause much more problems than fruit.