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Re: Manufactured scarcity The profit of deindustrialisation
ohfor07 Views: 1,199
Published: 15 y
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Re: Manufactured scarcity The profit of deindustrialisation

Coincidentally it has been during the past few weeks that I've been wondering if anyone else has noticed the contradictions attached to the global economic woes of recent years. The thing that got me wondering about this most recently is the nausea I've been experiencing from the constant wratcheting up of " go green " advertising.

Just to set the scene, in this world we have what are traditionally called " under developed nations " and we cannot have such without noticing and comparing to mainstream over developed nations like Britain, US and the many other ex colonies that fall under the mega colony umbrella AKA NATO / UN model. Relatively speaking we can't have one without the other. If you are somebody who calls home one of these over-developed nations then you are ( or at least should be ) aware of the main trend of modern economic times; that your main job in life is increasingly relegated to being a consumer of things being sourced elsewhere. The reason for this is that under the banner of Free Trade traditional labor jobs involving the actual manufacturing of goods have increasingly been exported out of your country to one of the aforementioned " under developed nation "... China.... South America....Bangladesh .... Turkey and the like. Part of the justification of this global agenda is the go-greeen chear leading that comes with the territory of relegating the traditional labor force of over developed nations to the job of consumer. Granted, there is a whole lot less manufactured waste, smoke and debris in mainland England and America then what there once was....but all that go-green garbage did not just disappear off the face of the earth. It has only been shifted .... .off-shored to some place else....except you are not supposed to wonder about or notice such details.

For anyone at home trying to follow along, the contradiction to be noticed here is that in order for the world's nations of over developed masses to act out their global duty in being well behaved consumers, there must be a steady stream of goods to be consumed......goods that cause a lot of non-green smoke / debris / litter and garbage as by products! Dont be fooled. It (mass goods to be consumed by over developed masses) does not have to be anything fancy or substantial....think Bread & Circus here....those kinds of so-called goods. This global scheme has a built-in denial mechanism; deny being relegated to the job of consumer if this is where and what your home looks like AND if you happen to live - read work - in an increasingly developed under-developed country, deny that all of the off-shored NAFTA-sponsored waste that your 50-cents-a-day-but-increasing labor is helping to produce is not green.

The above scenario is a relatively recent phenom. Over the longer view we have the recorded history that shows how the globe and its collective economy has been engineered and shaped for many decades to be exactly what it currently is. If one hazards a peek at the history record from the period when over developed politicians transitioned the global stage from War # II to the birth of the U.N., one will clearly see where it was decreed that the then existing condition of global power & industrializiation would need to be torn down in order to make way for the new order of global economic & political life. The planned destruction of the US Steel industry is about the best example history has for us to notice.....all the more reason to notice the mega contradiction of how today it is so common for the economically downtrodden to wail about lost jobs. Allow your politicans to globally legislate away your traditional livlihoods on the one hand, and then when the global economy gets really bad, lament lost jobs; duh!

This is and has been all part of the massive, finely laid manufactured-scarcity-for-deindustrialised-profit plan....but of course you will be a labeled a whack theorist if you happen to notice AND voice your observation.


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