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How long does the tenderness last after a flush?
newbe Views: 1,760
Published: 20 y

How long does the tenderness last after a flush?

I did my first flush this morning, I am still passing about 5-10 small stones every half hour or so.
I figured I have passed about 300 small stones, the largest being about 2cm long. I had a confirmed "small stone in the neck of my gallbadder" on Saturday.

I am still very raw on the right side, I have to sit up straight to not feel like I am squishing some internal organ. I do have some burning in my right mid back, but not pain.

My energy is good, I usually take a nap during the day, but despite not sleeping well last night, I am not able to sleep, though I am wanting to rest alot.

Is this 'normal' for a cleanse??
How long can I expect this to last?
What should I watch out for as far as a stuck stone?


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