You remind me of me, probably after several of the flushes I've done. Panick, pain, not knowing which way to turn, and my good friends here at Curezone always steer one in the right direction!
What I did at the suggestion of others in such a situation is the heating pad and Castor oil pack. May sound too simple to help, but in reality, it helped to heal my pain. Right now I am pain-free. Of course its all a part of the healing process, but I attribute a great deal of success to the Castor oil pack. I have read that if you have a stuck stone, a heating pad alone may help it continue to go out. I was in that stage where I didn't know if one was stuck or not, just that wierd painful feeling after a flush.
So, night after night I did the Castor oil pack and soon the pain left. I read that that also heals the liver/gallbladder, so that probably explains my success. As you may know that also it does loosen up plaque, etc. I have high hopes that my next flush will get good results.
God bless.