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Mobile Revival/Brownsville Revival
steven41 Views: 4,192
Published: 15 y

Mobile Revival/Brownsville Revival

This is a 100% scam........The Pensacola Brownsville revival broke out some 10 years ago,,,and people were comeing from all over the world to see the preachers that could counger up GOD........The preacher Kirkpactric,the evangelist,Hill and the music leader,cooley,have all made their Mark/and money in congering God to the building...They made out like bandits for 6 or 8 years,with this Benny Hinn type services,and when they got tired,,,,,faded away with their big bucks,new cars,new houses,and new found TV egos.........Now that the economy is bad,and their money is low,,,apparently they have decided to double dip into the sacraficial meat......As i was there to experience these events,,my father,before he passed,had said,this brownsville revival would soon come to Mobile,Alabama.......And how true it is,,,,,but he just did not realize the motive behind these preachers.....Most folks do not realize,,it was the Preachers that hung christ on the Cross for turning the tables over,and messing with their money.......Of coarse they tried to hide behind the government,but Pilot washed his hands,and said,,,,,You preachers are gonna have to kill him,,,,i see no wrong......As the story goes.......Now,what did the Preachers do,after they hung the Christ?,,,,,,,,We know what they did,,,,,,,,,they picked up the tables,and went back to buisness as usual,and 2000 yrs. later,still making the fathers house,A DEN OF THIEVES.......I agree,that the American people are in a poisoned stuper to allow this insanity to continue........The Preachers are living fat,at the hands of the people,and having their heaven now,,and giving the people a RAIN CHECK,that when the die,,,,,,,They go to heaven,AND,,,,,,AND,,,,,,get a Big HOUSE...............The Moslems Get alot of girls.........Hmmmmmmmmmm Lets See,,,Think about this....BIG HOUSE,,or alot of girls.....Boy,,,thats a hard one.......I may like the Moslem reward better....Hmmmmmm.............Yea,,You get my point here.....I have noticed that at least the money loven healer Benny Hinn has been having nutritionist on his programs...........The Question is........Can the Poisoned poeple wake up,and find the God that is the life with-in them,or will they keep walking further away from the Garden that God made for them.....God lives in the Garden and feeds us withen it......No one can conger up God for you,,,,,,,,as good as you yourself.........Wake UP,America,,,,,You are ASLEEP........


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