Re: oh, and I promised to take ibuprofen too!
He wants me to take ibuprofen before and after gum surgery to prevent swelling. I don't know what to say to these people. I tried to explain why I don't want all the work I did to make my gut healthy ruined by anti-life pills, but they don't get it.
Again the pau d' arco and the licorice root will keep the inflammation down.
I'm also going to my NP to ask about all the immunizations I need for nursing school (I think it's to get into hospitals for clinicals) but she's pro-vaccinations too. She'll ask me why I don't want them and I don't have a good enough excuse. I'm too old to get autism and there's a tiny amount of mercury in all shots. She's going to say it's not enough to hurt anyone; look at all the people who got them and they're fine, and look at all the diseases they prevented, yadayadayada....
Ask her how man people were infected with the cancer causing SV-40 virus from the contaminated polio vaccines given in the 60s. And how many died or were injured from the swine flu vaccines in the 70s or other vaccines for that matter. Then ask her what proof there is that vaccines work (the eradication of smallpox is not proof), and ask her why you can still get diseases you were vaccinated for. Or why diseases with mandatory vaccinations such as mumps are on the rise despite the vaccines.