Re: can anyone explain ?
Just think of how happy the people in prison are to see the ministers, priests and counsellors.
It is a dark place to be but people are people and it is possible some former high vibration people went the wrong direction and are paying their dues.
It sure seems like many people become religious while in prison.
I think the people who chose to bring some happiness and brightness into the lives of those who are kept in prison are very honorable souls and they must be greatly rewarded by their work.
I think they are very much appreciated for the work they do.
If you have ever visited anyone in jail or prison, you will know that they are usually very happy to see any familiar face or friendly visitor.
Not only to those types of healers have a high vibrational energy, but to me their energies seem to be easier to accept, very peaceful and warm. Sometimes some high vibrational energy people can be too hectic or scratchy.
A suppose a big part of being a true healer is to be genuinely accepting of others and people can sense that.
Have a good day, peace and harmony to you all.