Re: now we know better~~
I saw your tongue in cheek but thought
I would use the opportunity to stump
for the cause~~
I am happy to say that I have been
successful in raising awareness of
this issue and those people passed
on the info and little by little
people are making the connection
between how they are feeling and
what they are ingesting.
We are the solution to this problem
since the government is NOT going to
protect us from the thousands of
products that are going to be
marketed now that
Aspartame has
lost their patent due to expiration.
Public demand does work. I know I am
seeing Cokes with REAL
Sugar on the
shelves now. I also am seeing products
which are advertising NO High Fructose
Corn Syrup. I call that progress, and
while it IS scary that such a mainstream
mag would couch the info on aspartame
in such a positive way, we need to be
vigilant in offering info which brings
that info into context. I had to tell my
own daughter over and over, "it only
takes a little rat poison to kill a rat".
She finally gave up chewing gum because
of the aspartame. Its hard, but it is
worth the effort...