I have been posting here about the kidney cyst I have had for a long time. I had been feeling very sluggish and was hurting under my stomach due to the cyst on my left kidney for last month or so. So I fasted for three days 10 days ago and after that did fruit only diet for 5 days. I felt 100% change in how I felt. The pressure from the cyst disappeared as well as the left knee problems etc. went away.
BUT, today my doc did scheduled sonogram of the my kidneys. The cyst on my left kidney has grown from 3" to 4" round, which bothers me mentally a lot. It does not bother me physically at all. I am planning to do raw vegetable only diet for next week.
I would like to know if I could do anything besides fast. I know fast reduced my cyst before. I cannot do another fast for while due to work and travelling, I travel a lot. I have tried eating just cooked foods, castor oil poltices regularly, I have had been on Lugol's for a month taking fifty drops a day and nothing helped.