Re: probiotics/leaky gut
Yes, the common explanation you find around is candida drill holes... it is a way to say it cause gut permeability.
When I said, I was obliged to answer you was because I have seen you fighting, researching, trying to do the best things. I assume you are a young girl, only guessing, and I have accumulated knowledges and experience during the last two years about this syndrome. I began, like you, reading, researching, and trying to find the best way. In a few words, if I know I can give you an information that could have some value for you, that is my obligation. I realized you were confused and lost when you opened this post.
P/S I like your avatar. Yes, Aloe Vera helps in the way you realized. There is a good website mostly focused in gastrointestinal problems which belongs to Prof. Art Ayers, a recognized microbiologist. He has great articles about the gut, flora, fecal transplants,etc. He is a Biofilm expert, something you may like. The place is called " Cooling Inflammation " by Art Ayers.